Tag: Case Study
Case Study – Corrie
“The staff at Community Campus have been helping me since 2020. They have been very supportive, enabling me to live independently while also studying at College. I am now able to use the tools I have been given to live independently and go to University.”
Case Study – Soran
“If it wasn’t for Stacey and the other staff at CC87 I know I would not be where I am now and will be eternally thankful to them for setting me on the right path”
Case Study – Carrie Anne
“Two years ago I was on a downhill spiral, homeless, using drugs, but I moved in here and life changed for me, and it just keeps getting better and better.”
Case Study – Ethan
“The best thing about Campus is the staff, who offer me non-stop support and help with any problems that I may have”
Case Study – Ali
“Louise has been a great support to me over the last 4 years, helping me access College courses, finances and helping me find accommodation in Newcastle”
Case Study – Noah
“It has made me more knowledgeable about my trade skills and it has made me generally less anxious and more confident”
Case Study – Nathan
“Campus has opened a route that would not have been available to me and has given me the opportunity to have a better life”