Category: 2014 News
Annual Christmas Lunch is a huge success
On Wednesday 17 December 2014, we hosted our annual Clients Christmas Lunch at St. Mary’s Centre. Over 100 clients and staff came to help us celebrate Christmas with plenty of prizes and quizzes available for all to enjoy – we even had a game of bingo! A special guest appearance was made by Middlesbrough footballers…
Renovation of property in Hartlepool
Community Campus have recently renovated a long standing empty property in Hartlepool as part of a major regeneration scheme, a programme of work by Housing Hartlepool that will eventually see almost 100 properties being brought back into use. The former laundrette in York Road has been converted into 4 flats by our construction staff including,…
Campus provide learning placement
Rebecca was a client of Community Campus 4 years ago. She moved on successfully and has managed numerous tenancies since her time with us. As Rebecca is now studying towards a degree in Community Studies, she required a placement and contacted Community Campus via Facebook to see if we could help. Rebecca is now volunteering…
Volunteer It Yourself project
Community Campus worked with a group of young volunteers last weekend to decorate our base in Middlesbrough. This project was developed as part of the Volunteer It Yourself Scheme which sees volunteering and DIY combined and young people challenged to learn building and construction skills, on the job, by committing to fix local youth club…
Teesside University help us resolve IT issues
We were having some difficulties with our IT infrastructure caused by the multiple locations of our IT equipment placing a strain on our servers. Downloading our files was extremely slow and sharing information across departments was very difficult as our connections kept dropping off. With a limited budget to resolve the problems, we turned to…
Staff raise funds for good causes
Each year, our very generous staff send each other Christmas cards. As there are now 50+ of us, we offered staff an alternative to sitting and writing out of all those cards – donate your money instead. Staff were asked to choose 3 worthy causes and then made voluntary donations to which one they wished…