Woodturning classes in Hartlepool

It was great to catch up with Campus Resident Kelly and Support Worker Gill last week at Hartlepool Woodturning. It was also lovely to meet Dennis, owner of the Woodturning Workshop Hartlepool CIC. Dennis is also an accredited trainer and has recently secured funding from a National Lottery Grant to be able to offer Woodturning training to our Campus Hartlepool residents. Dennis uses his 19 years experience to deliver training and he wants to show how using different skills can help with recovery from drugs, alcohol and mental health problems. 

Kelly tried woodturning at school many moons ago and now she is looking forward to 8 sessions of training with Dennis. She will get to make something different every week and can keep whatever she makes! She was busy making a sweet or fruit bowl when I caught up with her and is looking forward to making a trinket box at the next session. Kelly said there was a full safety induction beforehand and that Dennis is excellent in explaining what to do. 

We will look forward to another catchup in the next few weeks to see how it is going and to see some more beautifully created pieces of work.

If you would like to find out more about Hartlepool Woodturning based at the Enterprise Centre in Hartlepool take a look at the website www.woodturninghartlepool.co.uk
