Martyn is 22 years old and applied to our service for housing and support in May 2016. He had a history of substance misuse, mental health problems and a pattern of repeat homelessness. He had stayed in various temporary accommodations over the last few years but had been unable to sustain a tenancy for various reasons. He had terrible anxiety, no self-confidence at all and just having to speak to people was terrifying to him.
He moved into a one bedroom flat with Community Campus and received support from his key worker around managing money, motivation and engagement, problem solving, substance misuse and managing mental health. The level of support has tapered off as Martyn has become confident in maintaining his tenancy and providing his own solutions for any problems or difficulties he continues to face. He now no longer uses illicit substances.
Martyn was encouraged to do some voluntary work with our construction team in order to give some purpose to his life and occupy his time to reduce the periods of poor mental health – this has proved very positive and he was offered a painting and decorating apprenticeship.
Martyn is enrolled at Stockton Riverside College where he is studying for his Level 2 NVQ in Painting and Decorating. He has also attended the following training courses:
CIH Level 2 Health and Safety in the Workplace
CIH Principles in Manual Handling
CIH Principles of COSHH
CIH Principles of Risk Assessment
Martyn has recently moved into his own flat with the Thirteen Housing Group and we continue to provide a low level of support to ensure he sustains his new tenancy, this is an important transition in his life and support is critical to this.
He is determined to complete the apprenticeship and become a fully qualified painter and decorator and secure full-time permanent employment.
Martyn stated that if it was not for the apprenticeship “I wouldn’t know where my life will be heading, this gives me hope for the future”.